Riverpark Dental London, ON

What is it

We designed this program for adults to enhance their education and awareness of their dental hygienic situation.

When is it needed/risks of not getting it done

We supply our patients with specific techniques and resources that are suited to their unique dental needs, empowering our patients to manage their dental health properly on their own. Rather than monitoring our patients, we empower them with encouragement, instruction, and education to help them achieve their optimal oral health.

How is it done

We launch the program by doing an intake of your medical and dental history, including any pre-existing health issues, medications, or anything that may interfere with our treatment approach and the overall care of your teeth. This includes diet restrictions, energy levels, or busy schedules.

A special treatment we provide at Riverpark Dental is a chewable plaque tablet that will reveal areas of plaque build-up on your teeth. Plaque can build up excessively and harden when you miss your regular dental hygiene appointments or when you don’t brush and floss consistently. When plaque build-up occurs, it creates an environment that bacteria can house upon and begin to feast on simple sugars that are left behind after you eat. They then produce acids that eat away at your teeth’s enamel: the extremely hard substance that protects your teeth from damage. With the plaque tablet, we can then see and inform you of area’s you are missing and to focus on in your home care regimen.

During the program, your dentist will discuss how cavities are formed and how to protect yourself from them at home, and they may recommend fluoride or antibacterial rinses. We will discuss your current dental health and any possibilities of periodontal disease, gingivitis, areas to focus on when brushing, night-time teeth grinding or clenching, receding gum tissue, teeth staining, and the current condition of your temporomandibular joints.

With the correlation between oral health and overall health growing, we have increased our awareness and administration at Riverpark Dental for treatment between the two. We will discuss any links between existing medical conditions and periodontal disease if present, and also offer Nutritional Counselling if required. We will also recommend any tools that will help you with your home care regimen and offer any techniques to help keep your teeth in optimal condition.


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